Help on help

All help topics can be accessed via a standard click as it would be in a real-life webpage.
The helpengine will escort you to the selected topic so you can read it, click on the back to last position button to get back to the topic index.
If the back to last position button is gray you can go further back than you are at that point. (button a right hand top side of screen)
Most topics of TC-DIRECTOR are handled in this helpfile, i can however happen that newer addons in tcd are not included in this help, this is because the development of tcd is more than alive and each build contains more new handy features.

Creating new documents in TCD

You can create a new document by pressing ALT+N together.
TCD will ask for a pagename (using the <TITLE> tag) and a filename to save the page under, after this is completed you can setup the body element of this page.
NOTE:Body elements are not displayed in the tcd internal viewer!
After all these questions you can start beginning to create your www page.

Using dialogs to create entries

The more complex tags that are currently available in html are easy to insert via their dialogscreens, this way you can create complex pages in a very short time and don't have to bother about proper syntax etc.

NOTE:All menu entries are handled in this helpfile, each entry will state if the entry is done by dialogs or in a standard manner.

Online registering of TC-DIRECTOR

You can register online via internet, check our homepage for more information concerning this subject, or try our direct link
Compuserve users will be able to register online via the SWREG forum more details on compuserve (GO SWREG 8713).
For pricing details check the current pricing section within this helpfile.
How long will it be registered?, There is no limit for the registration to expire, its really until the world stops spinning or we decide otherwise in a newer version. No need to register your editor again and again as the new versions come out.
For a more detailed description check our About TC-DIRECTOR information.
If you want to bundle TC-DIRECTOR, or place it on cdrom please checkout our disclaimer.

How to get on our mailing and information lists

When new versions or builds of the current version are to be expected, you can receive an automated email wich informs you how and when the new release will be available.
You can enter youre name automaticly on our mailing lists, if you want information on how to go around please send a email to, place in the subject header INFORMATION (must be uppercase), our mail program will send you a document in wich all metacommands are explained and how you can enter the mailinglist.
You can automaticly enlist to our mailinglist via our main website (

Using the menustructure

We tried to create a easy to follow menustructure, most html commands and their (if available) dialogscreens are tugged away beneath the menubar, in case of more options you will find a submenu wich handles the several options that are available.
Special items can contain a hotkey, if this is the case the hotkey is mentioned in the menu entry.
All the menubar items are discussed in this help file.

Using the filemenu option

When the filemenu is clicked you will see the following choices,
New file, Open file, Save file, Close current file, Start ftp session, load compressed, save compressed,Load templates, Setup printer, Print document, View document, View document via netscape, exit to windows.

New file

This enables you to create a new document, tcd will place all the needed items for you into the editor, you can select body colors etc., after this you can go on and create your page(s)
Open file / Save file
This enables you to open a existing file, in case of an open file tcd will prompt you with a question if you really want to do this. In case of save file TCD will save the current file on disk. (you can also use CTRL-S to save files).
Close current file
Does nothing more or less than closing the active file.
Load templates
This will load a template file, wich you created earlier, if there is a tpl file called STARTUP.TPL TCD will load this automaticly if this feature is turned on in the setup.
Setup printer
With this option you can setup your printer
View document
With this option you can take a sneak preview of your written document, this option is however limited to HTML 2 and does not support images, forms and tables. its mend to take a quick look to see if your text is correct, if you want a reallife preview use the view document via netscape feature (Hotkey F11).
View document via netscape
TCD offers a way to view documents via netscape (Hotkey F11), make shure that netscape is active and running, if you want to view offline then use the MOZOCK.DLL file, this DLL enables you to use netscape without going online.
Exit to windows
Closes any active file (saving it first), and returns you to windows

Compressed files
You can optionally choose for a compressed save or load of a file, the files are compressed files, thus saving precious diskspace, if you save compressed you can reload the document via the load compressed file option.

Start FTP Session
This feature enables you to directly upload your htmlfiles to your webserver, this feature however is only available in the registered versions.
Make sure that winsock is loaded and ready to dial in.
Before you start using the ftp client make sure you have setup the basic features in the setup screen (ALT+F9).
If no entry is found in the ini file, it will ask for a server to login, after login in, your accountname and password wil be asked.
After this go to your userdirectory, and transfer the files you want to put on your server.
Since the transferred files contain a 3 letter extension, you may need to rename the files on the server, select a file in the remotebox, click on rename, a dialogbox will appear type in the new filename, click on OK, the file is now renamed.
For exampe a file called INDEX.HTM could wel be renamed to INDEX.HTML.

Using the Editmenu

This menu offers the following choices.

Search [F3]
Searches for specified string in current document, or all open documents
Search and replace [F4]
Searches for specified string in and replaces them in current document, or all open documents
This option lets you stepback the last 5 jobs performed
Repeat last command
This repeats the last used HTML command.
Clipboard functions
Copy selected text
Copies selected text to clipboard
Cut selected text Cuts selected text to clipboard.
Paste selected text
Pastes selected text to current document
Delete Selected text
Deletes selected text in current document.
NOTE:These functions are also available via the right mouse button.

Document structure command (submenu)

With this menu you can set the structure of your document, you will find the following tags here.


Document types (submenu)

Here you find the different document types.

HTML 2.0
HTML 3.0

With these type you can write browser specific pages, for example the populair netscape browser will recognize wich document is presented via these types.
It will appear as follows in your document.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3O//DTD HTML 3.0//EN"> (HTML 2.0 Type)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> (HTML 3.0 Type)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD HTML//EN"> (Netscape Type)

HTML 3.0 tags menu command (submenu)

Under this menu most known html 3 commands are implemented, since html 3 is still a proposal not all commands are inserted yet!.
You will find the following;

Person tag
Short quote
Define term

Remainder of html tags

The remaining submenus are all html2/3 tags that are common to the large population of web-authors.
The Microsoft specific tags are discussed in their own helptopic.
In case of low html knowledge we recommend the lycos server ( to search for more detailed information about html.

The microsoft extensions to html (submenu)

Since windows '95 is released, there is also the plus package wich contains all the things one needs to acces the internet, they also released their own browser wich has some nice additions to the ones allready floating around on internet. We have inserted these additions to make TCD a flexible editor wich can be used for all famous browsers.
Here are the commands supported by TCD;

Font face
Font color
Background sound
Play video clip

The marquee tag enables you set scrolling messages to your page.
The Font face tag enables you to have several fonts active on your page.
The Font color tags enables you to have several colors in one sentence in your page.
The Background sound tag enables you to force the browser to play a sound on the background of your page.
The Play video clip enables you to play avi files on your page.

These functions are relative powerfull to the ones available in other browsers, specially the playvideo function.
All the MSN extensions are handled via dialogscreens to setup those tags as easy as possible.

Using the SSi tags

SSi stands for Server Side Includes, this means that the server side (HTTPD) can handle certain tasks for you.
At this (beta )versions only a minor part is included, we are busy inserting all known ssi tags, we're also looking for documentation for server side includes.

Using the misc.tags menu

Here you will find the tags that are dialog or form driven, this to make it easier for you to create www pages.

Using the special menu

Here are all special options placed, you will find the following;

Show user defined tags ALT+F1
Insert user defined tags CTRL+F1
Insert textfile ALT+F2
Insert date and time ALT+F3
Insert document name ALT+F4
Create document template ALT+F5
Insert page last modified line ALT+F6
Macro's ALT+F8
Process macro's in document SHFT+CTRL+F12
Insert stamp information CTRL+INS

NOTE: Imported textfiles can be converted to html, you can select several options in the dialogscreen before pressing the OK button.

Using insert a textfile option

You will find this feature beneath the special menu, you acces it via a windows hotkey ALT+F2
This function lets you import plain asci textfiles, but you can also import and convert to html.
TCD defaults to convert to html (filter options), you can select via clicking the radio buttons.
If you choose to convert to html then you can check the items in the html box and / or the microsoft explorer box. After this click on OK, the file wil be converted and imported into the current document.

NOTE: Options checked in the microsoft explorer box cannot be handled by other browsers, you may endup with a slightly different look.
TIP:in case of more browser specific tags in one document make a special announcement in your page that your page supports the ... browser(s). This will explain to visitors why some items can be distorted on not- visible on your page(s).

Using macro's in your document

You can use macros in your document, there are 5 pre-defined macro's;

{TIME} : Will be replaced with the current time.
{DATE} : Will be replaced with the current date.
{ AUTHOR}: Will be replaced with your name found in the tcd ini file.
{(C)} : Will be replaced with your name found in the tcd ini file.
{EMAIL} : Will be replaced with your email adress found in the tcd ini file.

To process these macro's in your open document press ALT+1 a statusbar will indicated how far the converting progress is at that time.
You can choose to create your own macro's, press ALT+F8 for the macro editor, the same handling applies as for the build in macro's press ALT+1 to convert to them to the desired text.

Creating new macro's

By pressing ALT+F8 you can add new macro's to the macro.dat file.
There is no limit to this file, but keep in mind that how larger the file, the longer it may take to process the macro's.
You can enter anything you like as long as the macro is surrounded by the accolades ({ }), the macro entry in the document must be uppercase otherwise tcd cannot process it.
For a demo of macro's load the file called
DEMO.HTM, this show the possibilities that TCD has to offer you..

How to contact us

You can reach us via internet and compuserve.

Email adress :
Cis (compuserve): 101337,1736
Compuserve via internet :
Compuserve via internet :
WWW : Compuserve site can be reached via our main internet site

Using the image mapper

In this stage of development, the mapper is in a beta phase, aka its working is still rough, currently only bitmaps are supported (*.BMP), you can use the mapper but convert your .gif/.jpg to .bmp.
Usage is relatively simple go to the spot of your choice, click on left mousebutton, drag the box to the size you want, click the left button again, a dialogbox pops up, enter the correct http:// etc., press enter or click ok. repeat this procedure until you have mapped all regions you want to map..
Click on exit, TC-DIRECTOR will ask you for a map name, enter a name, press enter or click ok.
Convert the image back to the format you want.

Using the mail wizard

With the mailwizard you can create mail forms to use on your page.
The wizard kan handle mailto: and cgi scripts, if you want to use a cgi script be sure that this exists on your server (or providers server) and type in the exact location of this script.
Are you in doubt if a script exists on your server kontakt your supervisor for details etc.

Using the guestform wizard

With this form you can create guestbook forms, fill in the editboxes before clicking on the corresponding buttons if not this will create blank form entries.
The return page is mend as a page to jump to after the guest entries are send.

Using the index wizard

With the index wizard you can create index pages, a index page is usually called index.html From this page you can create links to your other pages.

Using the thumbnail wizard

You have probably seen those pages with tons of small images neatly placed on a page.
Its much work, lots of typing an even more frustration, you can create thumbnailes pages easy with TC-DIRECTOR (c), select the images you want (.GIF/.JPG) fill in the titlepage name, select a background image, mark the options of your choice and TC-DIRECTOR will create a nice page for you.
You can mark copy to active page TC-DIRECTOR will then copy the hmlpage into your active document, if not he will ask for a filename to save the page under.
NOTE:Upload the graphics to your www directory, otherwise you have in your idea created a great page, but on the net it will show you nothing.

Using the javascript options

Javascript is a implementation from Netscape, its still growin and is a alternatief for the 32bits based java applets.
Javascript is relative easy to use and learn, you can include it in your html file.Under the html tags menubar you will find netscape specific options in a submenu there's a entry called javascripts use this to define where your script is starting and where its ending. We have included a
java documentation page from Netscape. Read this and learn from the possibilities javascript is offering you!.
NOTE: Javascripting currently works only under netscape browsers.
We implemented some javascript pre-fabs for you to use and to discover how Javascript works More detailed scripts can be found on internet, use lycos to discover them or hook up the javascript newsgroup for more information. More pre-fabs will be build in into future versions of tc-director.

Using VB-Script

Microsoft has announced their version of JavaScript, its called VB-Script, it will be available early 1996.
We are checking on a daily basis to see if there is a initial release date of this script language, as soon as it hits internet we will implement it directly. (as far as it can be implemented).
The bits and pieces we have seen so far indicate that its a basic like script language wich enables those of you who treasure Visual Basic to create great pages.
Drawback is that only the IExplorer from Microsoft is (currently) going to support it.

Using the image browsers

You can preview the images you plan to use in your documents.
At this time the formats GIF, BMP and AVI are supported.
The images can be stretched to fit the viewing window.
If you run windows 3.x and want to view avi files, make sure that Video for Windows is installed, if you don't have Video For Windows you can download a copy directly at (Microsoft)

Using the right mouse button (Popup menu)

Pressing the right mouse button shows a popup menu wich holds most used functions within TC-DIRECTOR The following items can be found under the right mouse button.

Setting up TC-DIRECTOR

You can acces the setup dialog via the options menubar or ALT+F9.
The ini file called (TCDIREC.INI) is placed in your windows directory, when starting the setup dialog you will see a tabbed notebook dialog in wich you can setup your copy of tc-director.
The created ini file also contains debug information, please do not alter this by hand!, tc-director updates this information every time when the ini file is updated, this information is used by the bugform generator dialog.

The following tabs are available,

General information tab

General information contains checkmarks wich you can enable or disable to fully configure the working of tc-director, features as auto-save and auto-process you can find here!
User information
Contains information about you, your name and email adress.
TC-DIRECTOR retains your name from windows if no name is given. Please adjust this as you feel fit.
Do not edit the ini file directly, all information that is needed will be supplied via the setup dialog.
Stamp information
This tab hold the stampfile information doubleclick the edit field to load a pre-defined stampfile, if there is no stampfile present create one with the create stampfile button.
External browser
If you want to define your own browser this is the place to be, TC-DIRECTOR supports a standard dde link to netscape, but some people preffer the own popular browser.
Colors and Fonts
Each section of the mainscreen has its own colors and fonts you can select those using the colors and font tabs, tc-director will give you a selection of all availble fonts within windows. Default colors are black text and windowsgray background, default font is system.

Using the Options menu

Here you will find the options that are needed to run TC-DIRECTOR properly.
Below here are the current topics,

Setup tc-director ALT+F9

With this dialogbox you can setup tc-director (autosave features etc.).
Use did you know feature
Enabeling this feature leaves your with did you know notes every now and then.
Hide button bar
This will hide / unhide the buttonbar panels.
Turn on/off balloon hints
This will turn of the ballooned hints to square hintboxes
Turn on/off statusbar
This turns on/off the statusbar below on your screen.
This option changes to registerinformation as soon as you registered tc-director, else you wil find a register dialog, when registering you will receive instructions via email.
Bug report
With this option you can create a bugform wich can be attached to a email message.


Using the keyboard shortcuts

TC-DIRECTOR has the following shortcuts for most used html tags.
ALT+B = <BR>
ALT+H = <HR>
ALT+P = <P>
Future versions will contain more shortcuts, if you mis a shortcut or want one build in, please let us know!

Using Search and replace across directory command

This feature enables you to search and replace text within files outside the editor. thus enableling you to replace lots of files in just one single action.
Beware tcd can react strange to null files (IE files that are zero bytes)
There is no limit to the amount of files you want to search and replace, we can only think of just one and thats time.

Using extended image dialog wizard

With this option you can select and preview images (preview is GIF only).
You can set all known options, when the image resolution is checked TCD will adjust height and width automaticly, this is only when selecting a GIF file, if not checked you have to set height and Width manually, this feature is standard set to active.

Using Toolbars

The toolbars are split up in different sets, each set contains a toolbar wich enables you to select and start features of tc-director.
Currently there are the following toolbars,

Standard toolset
Extended toolset
FTP / Browsers / Publishers

[Standard toolset, Extended toolset]

The toolbar holds most used and wanted features of tc-director, when placing the mouse above a speedbutton a helpballoon will popup showing relevant information about the speedbutton and what is does when clicked.

[FTP / Browsers / Publishers]
The Linkstar buton

This button launches the Linkstar Launcher, (C) Linkstar comunications inc. This software enables you to publish your created pages with tc-director in a easy manner. For more information visit their website, Linkstar Details and pricing can be obtained via Linkstar Communications inc. This feature will be enabled when tc-director finds the Linkstar software anywhere on your system. Thanks to a joint-venture between Linkstar Communications inc. and Tashcom Software we can now supply you with a total solution for the creation and publishing of your internet pages at relative low prices.
The FTP Client button
This button launches the ftp client, this feature will only work when tc-director is registered!.

[Wizards / Dialogs toolset]
The wizards

Here you find all wizards currently available in tc-director,
Mail wizard, Guestbook wizard, Index page wizard, Thumbnail wizard, Image wizard, Table wizard and the Url manager.

Current pricing of TC-DIRECTOR

You can obtain two different licenses;

The personal license

This license will cost you $25.00, you will receive a registration code via email.
The code will release the ftp client and you have rights to support via email.
You will be placed on a mailing-list to keep you up-to-date on the development of tc-director.
The code you will receive is personal!, along with the code you will receive a invoice
Registrations can be done online via internet or compuserve.

The Company license

This license will cost you $200.00, This registration slightly differs from the personal license.
The company license means that anyone within company walls can/may use tc-director.
A company license is delivered via snailmail, it contains the companyname hardcoded in the splashscreen, and in several other locations. It holds the same features as the personal license.
One contact-person within the company will be put on the mailinglist to keep you up-to-date on the development of tc-director.
Along with your company copy of tc-director you will receive a invoice.
Registrations can be done via internet or compuserve.

Special versions

You can obtain a special version of tc-director with features in it that you want implemented.
This could be a version wich works with standard directory names, OEM versions etc.
Contact us for details and Pricing, let US know what YOU want!.



Known problems in tc-director

Currently we found the following, it only occurs when running under win'95;

TCD will not fill entire screen, colors are looking as rubish, horizontal & vertical scrollerbars appear.
You most likely have the PLUS! package installed, Since this pack can alter the global look of windows tc-director will also be affected by this.

TCD goes about leading a live of its own, when using the scrollerbar(s).
This seems to be a win'95 feature to, for reasons unknown doubleclicking a glyph on the scrollerbar results in auto-scrolling of a document, since tcd does not expect this it can generate a GPF at tcdirec.exe, currently we are searching for a solution to this problem.

Reporting bugs to Tashcom Software

You can use the bug-report dialog to send us the info we need, Standard tcd creates a file called tcd-bug.rpt, send this file to our email adress (
We will reply to you as soon as possible with a answer if this concerns a bug or not, if it is a bug, we will correct it in the next build that will be released.
Depending on the severity of the bug you also get a release-date when a new build will be released containing the fix.